Why the CrowdPoint Marketplace?
Being a member of IADFW by Dr. Rashid Buttar for the last couple of years. Dr. Buttar developed a program called "TAP into Reality Mindset Program". This program consisted of training our mindset while presenting us with different types of business propositions, and becoming a MicroPreneur to which I became a member.
One of the business propositions presented was the CrowdPoint Marketplace, I was sold on the business idea. The proposition consisted of placing The Advanced Medicine Marketplace, which will sell natural holistic products within the CrowdPoint Exchange Blockchain Ecosystem, which I thought was a great proposition. I went ahead and joined in we received slowly training as we were explained how the Blockchain Ecosystem worked and how it was used for the protection of Cybersecurity.
For the last 20 years, I've been involved with the consumption of natural products, and The Advanced Medicine Marketplace was to have natural organic products for sale as we the members were to distribute and re-sell these products thru the CrowdPoint Blockchain Exchange. I liked the idea since I always had a passion for natural products. This was an eCommerce store selling natural/organic products and I thought the concept of this model selling thru the Blockchain Ecosystem was an exceptional opportunity.
Since CrowdPoint will provide a much-needed service and will save us a great amount of money in advertising cost, provide us SEO service, provide us a platform to sell, provide us 24/7 service, and to top that off an eCommerce website store at no additional cost.