CrowdPoint Blog

Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem - Jane Leigh

Written by Jane Leigh | Sep 9, 2021 9:12:07 PM

Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

A Link in the Chain of Connectivity and Trust.

Finally, in an untrusting world, emerges CrowdPoint, a digital platform, whose strong heartbeat for equality, fairness, and protection, provides all participants, at all levels of involvement, a marketplace where goods and services are exchanged with TRUST.

I am among the initial Distributors on the Blockchain Ecosystem powered by CrowdPoint because I made the decision to be one of the links in the chain of connectivity which is rapidly proving to be the change the world has been waiting for.

The current system is broken, the rich get richer, medium and small businesses are losing ground and being pushed out of the marketplace. If that continues, there will be no choice of products and services that we can access, the rich will control it all, and to make it even worse, with every transaction you make, your personal data is stolen and sold making them even richer.

So, what is the remedy, I hear you ask? 

The Blockchain Ecosystem and the power of the individual and the ability to take back authority over your identity. We are on a mission to end surveillance capitalism by providing a marketplace with deep roots of integrity and trust, where small and medium businesses – ordinary everyday people, just like you and me - are providing high-quality products and services we love.

When customers purchase from me, on the Advanced Medicine Marketplace, I onboard them onto the Blockchain, which means they authorize their own digital identity where it is absolutely safe as a link in the Blockchain. This is a win-win for everyone.

Together we are taking the power away from the mega-companies and giving it back to the people where it belongs, and our strength lies in the CrowdPoint Technologies Blockchain Ecosystem.

Are you ready to make a difference simply by empowering yourself and becoming one of the links in the chain? Join our mission today and click the link here.