The experience of online shopping has changed drastically over the years. First, it was a cool trend, then it turned into a convenient way to receive products quickly. Now I don’t know about you, but for me, being a stay-at-home mom, online shopping has become a necessity.
Do you know what else I feel is necessary? My privacy.
Most days I feel that online retailers know what I’m looking to purchase before I even know what I’m looking to purchase! Kinda scary right?
Have you ever searched the web for a product you were interested in and then got bombarded with ads for days following? If so, you may have experienced privacy theft and didn’t even know it!
Capital surveillance is a very invasive way big data companies use and sell your personal, private information. Meaning that unfortunately the virtual you is not owned by you. What if I could help protect you, your loved ones, and families just like mine across the world? You’re in luck because I’m here to tell you I can do just that! Through CrowdPoint Technologies on the Blockchain Ecosystem, I am providing quality products at competitive prices! Want to know the best part? It’s all under a safe, private ecosystem, making every transaction secure from start to finish.
The Human Identity is our most precious asset, it needs to become, and remain protected. When you purchase from me, we both win. You see, I can help others learn about advanced medicine approaches while onboarding you into the Blockchain economy. This process allows you to authorize your own digital identity made by you, for you!
As a MicroPreneur, I want to thank you for allowing me to be your trusted agent in an untrusted world. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to provide a safe platform to shop on for you and your loved ones.