CrowdPoint Blog

Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem - Lisa Archilla

Written by Lisa Archilla | Oct 8, 2021 2:45:50 AM

Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

Hello Everyone! It’s Lisa and I finally decided to become a micropreneur with CrowdPoint because of their innovation and core values. The founder’s concept is based on providing a more equitable platform for the consumer and the micro-merchant. Thereby providing a unique opportunity for both its buyers and sellers.

Currently, your shopping data is being used by social media and massive online retailers for a profit without your consent. By joining the exchange, CrowdPoint can securitize and monetize this data. Regain this profit by arming yourself with CrowdPoint’s encryption technology.

Additionally, the guidance and functional support CrowdPoint offers its micropreneurs is unprecedented in today’s industries. No other company is offering this level of support and collaboration to their sellers!

With CrowdPoint everybody WINS! Click below to join us!