CrowdPoint Blog

Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem - Robert Barham

Written by Robert Barham | Nov 2, 2021 1:01:06 PM

Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

Why I became a MicroPreneur with CrowdPoint Technologies -

Since the ripe old age of 3, I have been playing baseball and being a part of a team that had to work together to achieve the ultimate goal, the WIN! Each win got us to the next level and onto new goals of season championships, making the All-Star team and moving on to state championships in hopes of representing our community in other state tournaments. As I navigated high school sports and onto college, as well as the ups and downs that came along with that, an elbow injury kept me down for a while but in turn, pushed me to persevere to come back with more passion for the game than ever.

Fast forward to 2020 and COVID hit, and again my days on the field got benched. As my college career is nearing a close and the ever-looming question of what are you going to do with your life is staring me in the face, I stumble across CrowdPoint Technologies. CrowdPoint Technologies is a new company that is on the cusp of being the change the world needs.

By becoming a MicroPreneur as a Distributor through CrowdPoint Technologies, my sights are set on being a part of a new team, a team of approximately 1000 like-minded Distributors that are here to help usher in the Blockchain and bring about change that we all benefit from. CrowdPoint Technologies has created its own Blockchain Ecosystem that is made up of exchanges that will act as a Market Place.

Shopping in our exchanges comes with an added bonus for you as well as myself as our identities are protected. Our information, our Human Identity that is bought and sold daily in the current centralized e-commerce we call the internet today uses surveillance capitalism to steal our identities and sell our information in a modern-day identity slave trade. CrowdPoint Technologies is here to help revolutionize the way you shop by moving away from the current centralized system by utilizing CrowdPoint’s technology through a decentralized system on the Blockchain that protects people’s privacy.

As a MicroPreneur, I want to help others to take advantage of being a part of the emerging global shift by shopping our exchanges and taking control of their identity back.

So if you are reading this blog and want to be a part of the global shift for freedom click the link below.