CrowdPoint Blog

Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem - Sydni Chance

Written by Sydni Chance | Sep 9, 2021 11:31:22 PM

Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

Hi, I’m Syd, just an ordinary person like anyone else, who’s gone thru their fair share of life’s challenges. Pretty much a private person for the most part (hmmm wonder why?). I am an ex-law enforcement police officer (NYPD) and retired Correctional Lieutenant (CA) of 18 years. My passion is health, fitness, privacy, and being of service.

Let me get right to the point by telling you about the next technological wave of the future known as the 4th Industrial Revolution, where your information is kept private in a secure, decentralized blockchain with enhanced privacy, online safety for children, and… there is our FLAGSHIP  VRAI – Vigilant Robotic Artificial Intelligence.

Small businesses have suffered while big companies have prospered, however, the blockchain levels the playing field, ensures PRIVACY, promotes fairness, and encourages collaboration. The small guy now wins. Here, we take the power away from the mega-companies and give it back to the people where it belongs.

Are you ready? NO? Well, there's more...

The Advanced Medicine Marketplace is where first-rate health/wellness products/services are offered from small business owners that are vetted for health-conscious people who understand their value.

Want to be a part of this new Ecosystem and centralized marketplace with 1,000 like-minded people and my new friends who want to revolutionize the world just as I am? What are you waiting for?

Join us!!! I joined to become a MicroPreneur. Traditional entrepreneurs are committed to the quest for growth. MicroPreneurs know they can be happy even if their companies never appear on a list of top-ranked businesses but are helping others.

“After all, if you don't start giving now or helping now - you probably won't give or help then”.

This MicroPreneurial union offers unmatched personal growth opportunities in my chosen roles as an Independent CrowdPoint Distributor/ Reseller/Technician, no matter where I live, work, or travel.

We ALL prosper together, in a better, brighter, and healthier world. Your personal onboarding is FREE with every purchase.

Click here to learn more about the Blockchain Ecosystem powered by CrowdPoint.