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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint


When I was 5, I followed my heart and started to play the violin and it immediately became my best friend. I can’t say if it was me that brought me all around the world or rather the opposite. Not only the violin has always been faithfully by my side, but it has inspired me to dream big and learn patience, perseverance, and dedication, to list a few.

What has been most exciting for me was the emotional and energetic exchange with the audience. I love giving and sharing with people whatever I can to help and bring joy to their lives. And that’s what brought me to CrowdPoint. Its’ mission – to empower the people by giving them back the most important human right – their privacy, using the innovative technology called Blockchain! CrowdPoint’s altruistic model is unique – it’s a company with strong ethics and a winning strategy that allow anyone to learn and grow as a MicroPreneur.

As part of CrowdPoint’s team, I can continue sharing what I am passionate about while becoming the composer and the conductor of my own life.

Who wouldn’t join a company like this? Click the link below and find out more!




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