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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint


Fellow internet users here is a question for you:

How many times have you Googled something once and suddenly become bombarded with ads for that product across multiple websites?

Sometimes things I have said in discussions on/off the phone or in private messages have suddenly made their way into all of my web searches. Not only does predictive AI take our data to build profiles on us but guess what else? Persuades us into purchasing – which is invasive enough. Still, it can also lead us to spend money we don’t have on things we don’t need, all because companies have taken our data, sold it to other parties, and used it to tailor their marketing to us. It benefits them, but what’s in it for us, the users?

We click ‘I Agree’ whenever asked and ignore the fine print. That is what it takes to participate in the social media world or to use certain websites at all. But I can’t understand how we got here, so willing to surrender our privacy and identity in the name of conformity. Why are we allowing our data and business to be bought and sold by other parties, making it their own business and turning a profit through their creepy access to our online lives? I am left thinking, what does the future hold for me, and worse, for my kids? What status quo are we allowing and enabling that will only rot in time so that the next generation comes to accept a life entirely devoid of privacy? A burning question in my life has led me to explore the next steps that I need to take to shape the future for my children.

Imagine that instead of the marketers, data wranglers and sellers of the world were not the ones making money from your personal information. Imagine that your data were strictly your business, and as such, you were able to make a profit. We would be reclaiming some of our digital sovereignty in deciding what information and how much of it could be seen by sellers and websites and even saving money through discounts offered by sellers. We could be the ones streamlining the ads and content we see based on what we want to purchase.

On top of all this, and perhaps most importantly, imagine that this heightened data protection gave us increased security online. We became virtually impenetrable for hackers and no longer had to worry about identity theft, hacking, or other dangerous digital peeping toms. We can cut out the middleman and put ourselves in direct contact with how we desire to interact. No longer would we be virtual lab rats – we would be designing the experiment.

With all these thoughts and concerns growing in my head over many years, I was thrilled to learn about Blockchain Technology and the direction the digital landscape is moving towards – more security and less noise, not to mention exponentially higher privacy. Blockchain hides our personal information from onlookers so that any transaction done online is done without the risk of theft. This technology primarily exchanges cryptocurrency and is utilized for other purposes, like innovating the buyer-seller experience through new platforms like CrowdPoint. Blockchain will revolutionize the way we communicate and interact, just as the revolution did years ago.

Now the question is whether we will get on board in these early stages or if we will be late to the game.

I am sharing CrowdPoint Technologies on the Blockchain Ecosystem with you today because it resonates so profoundly with me. We need to decentralize our digital infrastructure and power systems so that they are not monopolized and manipulated by those we cannot see.

We can exchange goods and ideas without the risk of overbearing censorship or dangerous privacy breaches. I believe that it is time for us, the people, or as CrowdPoint calls it, ‘the crowd,’ to take our data and power back. Our data is no one’s business but ours, and it is up to us to decide what we will allow and what we will no longer accept.

I invite you to check out the Blockchain Ecosystem today and learn how to redesign the path your data follows and eliminate the risk of hacking, theft, or irrelevant advertisement overload.

If you are a buyer, you can feel empowered and secured with Blockchain Technology, whereas if you are a seller, you can be put in direct touch with interested consumers and cut through the noise online.

Buyer or seller, all citizens can play a role in this shift from today’s internet to the decentralized, secure, Blockchain-powered platforms gearing up to take over in our near future.

Click here to join today.



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