CrowdPoint Blog

Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem - Tamie Yoder

Written by Tamie Yoder | Nov 2, 2021 1:25:03 PM

Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

HOPE: Feeling what you desire can be achieved or feeling that life events will turn out for the best.

Hi, my name is Tamie Yoder. I am excited to share some HOPE with you today.

For many years, I held the hope of someday making a difference and change in other people's lives. However, I knew this would only be possible if I first had financial independence for myself.

Being self-employed in construction has greatly benefited our family. We get to create our schedules which pairs nicely with homeschooling our three children.

At times it has also meant struggling through economic hardships. Something most of us can relate to in one way or another.

For me, financial independence seemed an illusionary dream.

So, after many years of being a homeschool mom, I launched into the world of real estate and became licensed in 2019. In my mind, this would be our ticket to financial freedom.

However, 2020 had other plans for us and the rest of the world.

As 2020 came to a close, I must say that I was swayed by a cloud of hopelessness that blanketed not only our country but the people of the world. The world had somehow become a very dark place. I saw how fear was used to align the masses with agendas that would whirl us into economic suicide. I could not see a way of recovery for any of us. In all honesty, I wrestled with negative thoughts of how we would ever reach our dream of financial independence. My hopes felt dead…

Many years ago, I attended a seminar by Dr. Rashid Buttar of Advanced Medicine. My husband and I were both impressed with his knowledge of health and wellness. During the years that followed, we familiarized ourselves with Dr. Buttar through his website and book.

Little did I know that 17 years later, Dr. Buttar would have a significant impact on my financial dream. Then, not too long ago, I received an email from Dr. Buttar, which related that he had something exciting to share.

In hearing what Dr. Buttar had to say, my heart began to hope once again. A financial opportunity was knocking at my door. A possibility to create my very own online store with trusted products while providing the best internet security for the identity and privacy of my customers

A digital Marketplace powered by an identity-based Blockchain that will forever change the way we do business.

We now can put power and profit back into the hands of ordinary people like you and me. We have an opportunity to pay it forward and support small business owners across the world. I am so excited to be on the ground floor pioneering this adventure.

With The Advanced Medicine Marketplace and the Cyber Privacy Exchange, you and I can reset our financial futures, the futures of our children, and those around us. Be a part of the revolution and join us!

Joyfully hoping in our future,