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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

​​A number of factors spanning many years fueled my decision to join CrowdPoint.

Nearly twenty years ago, I began questioning what I thought was true.  At that time, I was still in the business world, having earned two degrees from top business schools.  My head was so inflated with pride from what I had been taught, yet my work experience left me so unfulfilled and disillusioned.  I had been taught how to benefit the globalists, not to think for myself, and create real value for society.

The same disillusionment was happening in my religious life, which also spilled into my thoughts about health.  I began to question everything the establishment had told me was true.

Raised in a family of medical doctors, I only had one paradigm of health until I started asking why increasing numbers of toxic chemicals were allowed in numerous products as well as in agricultural production?  It shocked me that the governing authorities would allow such oversight to permit people and the earth to be poisoned. 


During this time, I was living in the police-state of a totalitarian nation and aware of the propaganda in official news sources.  When my wife and I returned to Canada, we realized that our own supposedly “objective” media was just as or even more manipulative as it carried the veneer of integrity.  

We started to watch all the documentaries we could find on topics such as the reserve banking system, the corruption of Big Ag and Big Food, and the systemic poisoning of unsuspecting citizens with chemicals and electromagnetic radiation. 

Shortly after, I decided to study naturopathic medicine.  The combination of having to learn and masses of information, along with facing a number of traumatic life events, brought me to my limits and forced me to rely on God’s grace like never before.  In a state of burnout, I started my medical practice, ironically sicker than some of my patients.  Inexperience and exhaustion made it so hard for me to help anyone, and that’s when I realized that I needed to help myself by taking responsibility for myself by facing all my unbearable feelings, unhealthy coping mechanisms and consequences of lie-based thinking.  As I started to heal, my patients also started to heal with the tools I had learned from my own struggles.

Just when I thought my situation was finally turning for the better, the global lockdown happened.  Despite all my previous awakenings, it was still a rude shock for me as I took one revisionist history lesson after another.  It sparked the end of what I thought had been my life,  and the start of a new season, one in which I confronted the web of lies woven throughout my earthly existence.  After learning about a leaked government plan which would radically change the status quo in Canada and worldwide, I knew I had to do something different and prayed in earnest for direction.

A few months later, my wife and I joined Dr. Rashid Buttar’s TAP into Reality program.  We were happy to support something that could counter Big Tech’s surveillance capitalism so we signed up to be distributors on The Blockchain Ecosystem and The Advanced Medicine Marketplace,  a great fit for our work in natural health and our desire to be “off-grid” from the current economic system.  

While we know that no system is perfect and that our hope comes from Heaven, we believe that The Blockchain Ecosystem powered by CrowdPoint is an intensely practical way to address the challenges we face today.  We are so grateful to Dr. Rashid Buttar, the founders of CrowdPoint, and their amazing team for the opportunity to change the world and look forward to a better future ahead for us all.

Please take a look around and let us know how we can assist you today.


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