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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

Opportunities, like GOOGLE, AMAZON or Bitcoin don’t come daily. Some are small and some are great and you never know which is which until they prove themselves outstanding months or years later. Few months ago Crowd Point Exchange landed at my doorsteps and I was given chance to participate in this “small” opportunity which contrary to the big ones listed above has a “heart and spirt”.

With Crowd Point you can see yourself and your family thriving for the rest of your life. In my case , my whole family is involved somehow with it - my son is typing up this very paragraph and my husband thinks he can correct him while my daughter made some videos about some products at the Exchange!Blockchain_Ecosystem_Mobile_CrowdPoint

One of these opportunities that has emerged within, is concept of new way controlling and securing information called by most - BlockChain.

This is latest groundbreaking technology takes private information and breaks it up into blocks and then scrambles them in such a way that only authorized individuals can access it. If you want to know the significance only this aspect read up on history of the whistleblower Snowden or ask yourself : how Google makes money ? Click below to join us!


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