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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

I have wanted to have my own business since I was a teenager. I have searched high and low for the right opportunity to come along. When the opportunity arose with a ground-floor company, I did not hesitate to jump and go for it. I had this overwhelming feeling come over me that this was “The One”! It just resonated with me overall. I wanted to be involved with something I believed in and backed.

CrowdPoint Technologies was born to take on and help others achieve their goals in life with shopping and data privacy. I feel like it was made for me to make an impact on others.


Privacy and security of my personal data are paramount in life. CrowdPoint is an ethical way to privatize my data. I, in turn, have the choice as to whom my data is released to for use.

CrowdPoint is spot on with what they are doing in the blockchain ecosystem. CrowdPoint will be a revolution for small businesses and micropreneurs to become a global voice.

With honor, I am a distributor and part of the CrowdPoint journey to better the world. Click below to join us and together we can make a difference.


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