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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint


Hi, I'm Charlotte. I became interested in CrowdPoint due to a functional medicine doctor I've followed for many, many years.

"The Internet of Things" is changing and we're the first making that change.

I'm sure you, like myself and everyone else, are tired of big Tech companies using, sharing, and essentially stealing and selling your data and identity. They're making money off you, without your permission, and you're not getting paid. With the security of the blockchain there is no harvesting of your personal data, and hacking your information is almost impossible. You take back control of your data and privacy, and YOU own it!

CrowdPoint helps level the playing field for the average business owner like me (MicroPreneurs) - not like big tech. They help bring customers that are targeted directly to your products or services 24/7 with full protection of your data and privacy like never before in the Blockchain Ecosystem powered by CrowdPoint.

Blockchain_Ecosystem_Mobile_CrowdPointThis gives you financial freedom and choice - returning all the power back to you. So move forward today with decentralized IDs on the blockchain. Decentralization will change the way we look at data!

And if you're interested in all-natural medicine that's pure and 100% safe and comes from nature, we have that as well!

With your 1st purchase, you'll automatically be entered into the Blockchain. So come walk into the light and join our one-of-a-kind global market. Get Started Today!



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