Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint
Aloha 🤙
Welcome to the Blockchain EcoSystem Powered by CrowdPoint Technologies!
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has already begun… THIS IS IT! This is your Kairos Moment - A critical and opportune time to reclaim your identity by creating your own DECENTRALIZED ID, to break away the chains from the digital Identity slave trade by becoming a MicroPreneur. What is a MicroPreneur? A MicroPrenuer is an individual that is an entrepreneur that wants a lifestyle to create their own destiny. It starts by creating your own Decentralized ID.
Your Identity (Data) is constantly being stolen and monetized daily by third parties & major corporations have been trespassing on your digital ID and we don’t even know it.
Facebook, Google, and Amazon are some of the few because of their advertising dollars. You’re the one targeted and they’ve put a price tag on you as a human. You’re being forced to live a way of life that has taken away your God-given rights & freedoms. In fact, if 2020 wasn’t a wake-up call, you weren’t paying attention.

WE THE PEOPLE, the average Joes, NOW have a way to TAKE our POWER BACK and prosper as business owners & MicroPreneurs by leveling the playing field between the mom & pops and the big wigs in ANY industry.
We are already heading toward a GLOBAL Marketplace that is going to be Decentralized. Bitcoin and Blockchain tech has been the precursor to give us a peek into the future of smart contracts & global business as a whole.
CrowdPoint Technologies has created a Blockchain Ecosystem for anyone to thrive on. They have created secured internet and servers for your Decentralized IDs.
YOU will decide with who and how you conduct transactions as a consumer, business owner, MicroPreneur, Distributor, and Reseller.
We are not only pioneering in all industries, but we are creating a world where our data can not be bought or sold to the highest bidder. Learn more about how you too can be a part of the Blockchain Ecosystem.
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