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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

I never thought of myself as a businesswoman, but I am learning and growing into this identity. I am more engaged in my new business than I have been in any job in a very long time—and this is just the beginning. I am accountable to myself and my family. My profitability is limitless and based on my hard work and those I lead and inspire. I bet on myself every day.

My success is squarely on my shoulders, so is my time and how I choose to spend every minute of every day. My health is second to nothing, and my body, mind, and spirit need attention regularly. Being a MicroPreneur allows me to make time for the necessities that fuel my growth mindset. Without health, there is no growth mindset. Without a growth mindset, there is no profit.

I am ever so grateful to CrowdPoint and the Advanced Medicine Exchange for holding my hand and creating a community that distributes high-quality health and wellness products to the world in a secure and humane cyber-environment—the blockchain. I am now part of a journey I could never imagine being as perfect.

MicroPreneurship is where it's at for me!

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