Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint
Whether this was a plandemic or not, the results are the same... economic downturn, financial disaster, and strained relationships. Unfortunately, what we don’t have is time to wallow in the past or feel sorry for ourselves. There will be enough of that going around. So are you a victim or a victor? Your answer to that question will give you a better understanding of why you are, where you are now in this rebuilding phase.
And why, I joined CrowdPoint Technologies on The Blockchain Ecosystem. It’s time to get our businesses up and running again or back up to par. But this time, with complete anonymity from the prying eyes of surveillance capitalism, your tech-savvy friends, and the big corporations. No more selling of your data to the highest bidder without your consent.
Even better, you get a piece of the pie and you determine how much of, and what if any of, your data can be disseminated. It’s time to take back your Human Identity and rebuild with confidence. If you are tired of being a sheep, there are plenty of openings for lions as they seem to be in short supply. If you’re tired of going unnoticed, stop following the Crowd and be a risk-taker. I did!

Did you know that ‘the majority is not a synonym for correct? If you are ready to make an impact and are willing to give back and pass it forward, then you have all that is needed for success.
Start marketing your products without the middleman. Start purchasing the products you enjoy daily from like-minded individuals who hold your values and concepts. It’s time to restore our faith in one another and recognize we are our brother's keeper.
It’s time to step out of the ordinary and move into the extraordinary. It’s time that the average American and small businesses thrive!
So, join me in leveling the playing field. Let us each individually become someone’s Trusted Agent in an Untrusted World.
I invite you to click the link below and change the world for the better!
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