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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint


I didn’t celebrate Canada Day this year.

I am no longer proud to be Canadian.

Since 2020, this government has lied to us, removed basic rights, and pretended it was for our own good. “Für Ihre Sicherheit” (“for your safety”) the German Nazis used to say. So the Canadian government knew it would work for them too.

Since spring of 2020, this government has allowed big corporations to profit, several times fold, off the backs of small local businesses. And ‘big pharma’ is now a behemoth. Custom-made, the Canadian government paved the pathway these corporations rode in on.

I am ashamed at what Canada has become and I no longer trust the government. I used to. Now I don’t. At all.

Thankfully, there is a revolution coming. It’s not going to play out like you think it has to. Smart, gutsy, peace-loving, law-abiding men and women are disengaging from the systems that are no longer serving us and shifting our economic and digital activities to the blockchain. Here, individuals are valued. Our safety is inherent. And large companies and government lose their control. Control will be back in the hands of intelligent, warm-hearted, experienced individuals; the men and women of our real, everyday communities.

Please take a look and join our modern, peaceful revolution.

¡Viva la revolucion! 




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