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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint


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When I left university in Great Britain, I started in a new company that had invented a way to convert steel slotted angles into sturdy, strong structures such as; tables, benches, storage racks, staircases, raised platforms, and many more. An industry rebuilding after the devastation of World War II was excited for these inexpensive, innovative solutions to allow manufacturing and storage to be efficient. We all felt terrific about helping our customers and communities.

When Lancaster University established the first Department Of Operational Research in Europe under Patrick Rivett, Stan Demczynski, my manager at the company called Dexion Slotted Angle, decided to investigate what Operational Research could do for our company. Back to serious study! We fell in love with the fantastic results and started writing in the National Press about what we were doing.

Soon we were pressed by large companies to look at their problems, and so a delightful 5-person consulting firm formed CORD. We helped companies like Ford, Unilever, Bass-Charringtons, even public utilities. The famed London School Of Economics even requested interviews on the promise they would not take credit for helping us ;-) It was a blast to offer the right solution to their needs at the amazingly inexpensive rates we were charging. We even built a computer model of Great Britain road structure, which would have been easy to expand into GPS if we had satellites that long ago!

On to Canada, and seven great years providing administrative and technical/logistical support at 3M in London, Ontario. Eventually, lured back to Business Management Consulting in Toronto with two of Toronto's biggest and best firms. I particularly enjoyed the freedom and experience of working for five different Partners who each served other markets—so much fun tackling different challenges. But, eventually, the call of "do your own thing" and buying a franchise turned sour when we found the guy collecting out cash could not give us any support - he had read a good book!!!

When the internet was starting to be used for commerce, I joined the ground-breaking company "Online Christian Network" - the first to offer franchises based on Faith. A subsidiary of W.S.I., which sold nearly 2,000 franchises on Internet Solutions to techies around the world, so the world got smaller and became more "remote" from the face-to-face human interactions, and I missed them.

I retired and became a "Serial Entrepreneur" in Port Credit - a central "village" in Mississauga, adjacent to Toronto and on the shores of Lake Ontario.

To continue my excellent love for RESEARCH, I chose to concentrate on Health and Wellness. A vast market has become more vibrant as discoveries and protocols have been established to solve the incredible growth of new diseases and disorders resulting from the degradation of our social and agricultural/manufacturing infrastructures.

Aha! Each time I found a startling new product or process which I had proved by my use that it produced the promised benefits, I had to give up research and adopt the role of Evangelist. I rushed around as many places as I could reach to Meetups, Tradeshows, Business-development groups, and face-to-face. I wanted to help as many people as would listen, that I had a way to help them reduce pain, swellings, discharges, or whatever else ailed them.

The wonders of the Blockchain-based CrowdPoint Exchange have shown me a new way to help anyone who has a problem to help reduce, resolve, or remove. So now I want to know what would make YOU happiest if I could deliver what you are seeking - looking for something you HOPE we might have and need help to locate. So let's discuss how I can make you happiest from being served by The Advanced Medicine Marketplace and me.

Click the link below to start your journey today!


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