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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint


I am a member of the Baby Boomer Generation, and we are facing a lot of unexpected challenges today. Our parents were able to work for 20 to 30 years at the same place, and then enjoy a good pension and Social Security when they retired. We were brought up to believe that if we just followed that plan, today we too would be approaching, or living, a golden age of retirement. But that plan turned out to be a fantasy.

Today job security and pensions are both history. At the same time, we’re living longer. This means if we want to have any hope of continuing with the kind of vibrant, meaningful lives that we promised ourselves when we were in our teens and twenties, we have to plan smart and plan fast.

It is time for the Baby Boomer Generation to embrace new technologies and ideas. At first, this will probably feel a bit overwhelming and fast-paced, but I believe Baby Boomers are up to the challenge. We were trailblazers in our youth, and now we can redefine what our life’s second act will look like.

There are thousands of “opportunities” on the internet vying for our attention, so the challenge is to identify who can be trusted. This requires thorough research since there are a lot of bad actors on the playing field.

My research led me to a digital platform called CrowdPoint Technologies on the Blockchain Ecosystem. The core values of this company resonate strongly with my deeply held beliefs.

First and foremost, CrowdPoint is built on the Blockchain. It is on a Decentralized platform and therefore a breath of fresh air in a world dominated by the centralized big corporations that are demolishing the global economy.

Right now, we are living in a world of surveillance capitalism. Our digital identities are being co-opted and used to increase the bottom line of global conglomerates. CrowdPoint is helping people move away from this centralized system and into a decentralized platform, where people’s privacy and data are protected through cybersecurity. And the beauty of this is, they are doing it through eCommerce.

The Blockchain Ecosystem creates a digital marketplace built on the Blockchain, where consumers and businesses are securely able to purchase and sell high-quality, competitive goods provided by members. Plus they also drive business to all those who participate in the exchange.

CrowdPoint Technologies truly lives up to its slogan. They are a “trusted agent in an untrusted world," and I am blessed to be one of their Distributors.

So my message to all my fellow Baby Boomers is this.

Even though the gold watch era is gone – for good, it’s not about retirement. It’s about reinventing ourselves and living the time of our lives. Our best years are still ahead of us and I believe CrowdPoint Technologies is the vehicle to make them golden.

Join us today and learn more!




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