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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

It’s a common question, “Why did you choose to become a Distributor on the Blockchain Ecosystem powered by CrowdPoint?”  Ancient and Divine wisdom says, “In his heart, a man plans his course…”  In our hearts, Julie and I have always set our course on gratitude, generosity, and prosperity.   In ministry, business development, real estate investment…we have continually sought out people to serve, and serve those who have the same course.  

Our eyes are always open to opportunities that are founded on gratitude, generosity, and prosperity.   When we first met the leadership of CrowdPoint, our hearts knew this was a perfect match.  Seldom have we known people of such gratitude for the opportunity they hold in their hands, yet so generously give this opportunity, in growing measure, to the people on their team.  


As much as we chose CrowdPoint and CrowdPoint has welcomed us, we know that our Divine Source has more influence than all else.  The rest of the ancient wisdom includes, “In his heart, a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9) Yes, our hearts have set our course on gratitude, generosity, and prosperity, but the LORD has determined all the steps that have led us to CrowdPoint Technologies.  

Of course, many of those Divine steps include our life-changing experience with Dr. Rashid Buttar and the Advanced Medicine Marketplace.

We are proud and confident in the leadership at CrowdPoint.  The growing list of online exchanges with top-shelf products and services is exciting.  The potential for financial freedom seems to improve every week.  And the opportunity to share all this with others on the same course is incredibly satisfying.  

All this is why we are thrilled to be Distributors on the Blockchain ecosystem powered by CrowdPoint. Click here to learn more.



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