Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint
How did I get here, you ask? Well, it has been a lifelong journey.
While I have always believed the human body has all of the tools it needs to heal itself, this hit me hard in 2002. I got hit by a dump truck in China. As I was in the hospital in Hong Kong, Dr. Wong (whom I will NEVER forget) would not give me any painkillers. I was like, “Doc; I just got hit by a friggin’ dump truck!” He replied that I would not know how far I could push myself in recovery if I numb the pain. I could do more damage to my body without knowing it.
Since that day, Advil is the most potent Rx medicine I have put in my body. That experience only reinforced what I had believed since I was a young adult. Of all the books I have read, four come to mind that truly changed my life... the first was “Conversations with God,” by Neale Donald Walsh.
Then, when I moved to San Francisco after college, my roommate introduced me to “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying”, by Sogyal Rinpoche. Recently two that have affected me are “The Second Mountain”, by David Brooks and what I am reading now, “The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away', by Dr. Rashid Buttar.
The conversations were incredible. As a young man in my early 20’s, it was as if the author had an actual conversation with God (which he was), asking him about life. It made me think in ways I never had while growing up in my youthful church and religion. When I read the book on Living and Dying, it was a completely different way of dealing with life and death.
One of the most memorable things I read was how the Tibetan Monks approach life and reincarnation. When you move from one life to the next, they said it is like passing through a desert. Just as you are to enter your “next” life, you come upon an Oasis. The fool gulps water like crazy. The wise man parses his lips and moves on.
The meaning is that the more water you drink, the less of the past life you remember, thus are destined to repeat it. Oh, and shortly after I rode the first AIDs ride from SF to LA, I met the Dali Lama on the plane ride home. Yes, that was life-changing. Also, true masters do not suffer when they die. They close their eyes and pass. When my father died, he did not suffer. The lessons from this book helped me so much in dealing with that.

My birth mother (yes, I am adopted) sent me a copy of The Second Mountain. It discusses how we graduate from college, shoots to the high profile job, wife and kids, white picket fence, nice car… on and on. Only to look out and see another mountain. It looks so much better than the one we currently stand on. It is a mountain of giving, of servitude, of moving from self-serving to other-centered. Of giving back. (Yet the valley in between will be the roughest ride of your life, giving all of that up...)
I won’t lie; I am still in the valley. Yet, as brutal as this can be at times, I have never been happier in my life. I found Dr. Buttar. My mother (the one who raised me) presented his video on TAP — Transforming Abundance Potential into Reality. Oh. My. God. This is what I have been searching for all my life. It only took me 30 years, but it spoke to me. It didn’t really “change” me as much as it was the guidance I had been seeking for so long. Dr. Buttar is teaching us how to take control of our health which starts with our mindset. POWERFUL!!! I immediately jumped in.
This was it! Through this, I joined the IADFW, The International Association for a Disease Free World. Thus, abundance prevailed, and I was granted the opportunity to join CrowdPoint as a Distributor where we use Blockchain technology to defend against online data theft. I am now a MicroPrenuer that allows me to help YOU take control of your health and your personal online data.
Join me on this journey and click the link below. It is one which you will not regret!!
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