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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

I joined Crowdpoint Technologies on the recommendation of Dr. Rashid Buttar of the Advanced Medicine Marketplace. It sounded like a fantastic opportunity that I had to join.

My dream is to help many, and with CrowdPoint's Decentralized Blockchain Ecosystem, my Human Identity is secure, and so is yours.

Blockchain_Ecosystem_Mobile_CrowdPointI am a Mum of 3 teenagers, and I have been upgrading my skills since they were babies. I always want to keep them safe from illness and harm. However, in today's world, that seems to be getting harder with peer pressure on social media and hidden agendas by a few trying to control every aspect of our lives. There is a tremendous amount of censorship, and the truth is more complex to find than ever before.

I want my children to grow up in a world where they are free to live their lives without medical procedures forced upon them. I believe together we can create a world with love and kindness and a sharing economy that benefits the most worthy and stop lining the pockets of Big Tech Giants and Big Pharma.

If you, too, want to be the change the world is waiting for, join us and click here!


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