Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint
The elephant in the room.
So many wonderful small and medium-sized businesses did everything in their power to ride out the storm that overtook the world. I personally watched business after business close down for good; heartbreaking to say the least. Many of these businesses were created with a dream; some sweat, and some prayers. They are our family, our neighbors, and our friends who were brave enough to act on a vision and succeed. I couldn’t help but notice as these business owners were stressed, worried, and breaking, the big box stores were thriving.
Who doesn’t have great memories of classic childhood games? I have wonderful memories of Monopoly, my greatest concern was making sure I was the thimble and I’m embarrassed to say that I would refuse to play if someone else was the thimble…..glad I can really laugh at my little self!
I then thoroughly enjoyed introducing Monopoly to my children, I had successfully overcome my infatuation with the thimble by then. We played throughout their childhood and every so often we still play as adults. I did get quite used to losing, no worries, it’s just a game. Now take that game to real life, real people. It really is not fun anymore! How is that small Mom & Pop store supposed to compete with these huge companies that can and do pay extreme rents and taxes, and the ability to stock absurd amounts of inventory that they negotiated at a huge discount because they have stores all over the country?

This is not just limited to actual physical stores and businesses, this has happened over the web as well. Fast forward to today, imagine everybody having the exact same fair opportunity regardless of who you are. I am a regular person just like you, I no longer have to worry about companies monopolizing the Marketplace, awesome.
I am now part of a revolutionary company that has leveled the playing field with the power of the Crowd. The Crowd you ask? Yes, that is me, that is you and everyone in between.
CrowdPoint took a beautiful vision and created a company that allows small businesses to thrive not just survive.
Hope you can now see that huge elephant standing in the room!
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