Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint
Hello, My name is Lorena, I currently live in California but I'm originally from Argentina.
Back in 2000, I decided to leave my country (with all that that implies) and look for new horizons, new opportunities. It was not easy. It was a shock for me to find myself in a very different culture and the language barrier. But I knew deep in my heart that I was doing the right thing.
I started by taking English classes but not for long. I needed money to pay the rent and my expenses so I stopped studying and put it off until the time was right. The following year I met who my husband is today. Then my children came along and my dreams were fading out. My family was my priority. In 2012 I had a breakdown that made me rethink certain things and it was then when I realized that I couldn't keep pushing my goals any longer.
I started looking for entrepreneurship ideas that would allow me to generate an income but at the same time allow me to raise my children. I've tried several things but they weren't my passion. Until one day I came across a video of a doctor I admire and have followed for a while now, Dr. Rashid Buttar. In that video, he was talking about an opportunity that might change people's lives, and potentially change the world for the better. I immediately felt that this was my call. And without knowing too much about the subject I trusted my instincts and started this new journey.
This is how I became a CrowdPoint Technologies Distributor. This allows me to help thousands and thousands of people while doing what I am passionate about, providing goods and services to people to improve their lives and thus make the world a better place for us and generations to come.
Won't you join me? Click the link below.

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