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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

I have always loved the song, “He will raise you up on Eagle’s Wings; Bear you on the breath of dawn, make you to shine like the sun and hold you in the palm of his hand.”

Whenever it would play, I would feel safe and secure, like holding my Mom or Dad’s hand as a child. As our world is tumbling upside down, more than ever we need safety and security and to honor our most treasured gift; the Human Identity.

I am Pamela Poad, a wife, mom, and nurse practitioner and just like you, I have struggled in the past with fear. As fear grips our world today, I remember the Eagle and rise above the storm, joining CrowdPoint and The Advanced Medicine Marketplace as a MicroPreneur.


Twenty years ago, when my third child was born with HypnoBirthing, self-induced hypnosis, for a comfortable relaxed birthing, I reclaimed my birthright and was so empowered in the process. It was such an amazing birth and I wanted to teach other couples how to have a safe, comfortable, calm, relaxed birthing. That was the beginning of my holistic journey and I started to learn about the importance of nutrition to help fuel the body so it could heal itself.

When I learned about the TAP, ‘Transforming Abundance Potential into Reality, the Multimillionaire Mindset’ program with Dr. Buttar early this year, it made so much sense, the flood gates reopened and it and was an answer to a prayer. Now we are combining business and mindset skills with CrowPoint and The Advanced Medicine Marketplace.

Body, mind, and spiritual well-being have always been my top priority, and as a MicroPreneur, I can focus on that and helping to build for others. More than ever, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are needed to thrive; however, protecting the Human Identity is critical as well. Just this last week my Mom received two calls and each person claimed to be her grandson; however, after talking with them she realized it wasn’t her grandson? Who was on the other end of the phone? What did they want? Safety, health, and freedom have never been more important especially in regards to the young and the elders. I feel so blessed to share this protection with my parents and everyone else I meet.

I joined The Advanced Medicine Marketplace to host an online store offering NonGMO, organic, environmentally safe, extraordinary, products to help the innate healing process of the body. To reduce the stress you must feel safe, and protecting your personal information and identity shopping with us will help you feel safe and secure. I stand with a Crowd of one thousand MicroPreneurs with a passion to help build small businesses and to help change the world.

If you know of a quality product or service for our marketplace or you're searching for a safe, amazing product for your health needs, reach out by clicking the link below.

As your Trusted Agent in this insecure world, expect a unique shopping experience every time you visit, and know you and your family’s identity will be honored and safeguarded, using our Blockchain Ecosystem.

Until next time, V.O.W to be healthy BY: Pam ©

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