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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

CrowdPoint Technologies offers a groundbreaking platform using the blockchain to make all transactions safe and secure.

I’m now a MicroPreneur helping others as a Distributor for CrowdPoint.

My reason for joining this company was because of their values and what they are going to do for humanity. As someone who is passionate about helping others, this felt close to my heart. I saw a solution in utilizing Decentralized Blockchain technologies. It provides opportunities for small businesses and consumers to grow together.


This technology allows the consumer to regain control of their data and provides the consumer the ability to make a profit from it as well. When customers decide to buy from me, I then onboard them onto The Blockchain Ecosystem where the customer's identity is protected. You don’t have to worry that your identity or data is being invaded or stolen.  

Becoming a MicroPreneur is a vision I have had for a while. Being able to work from anywhere in the world is just fantastic. I am excited to be a part of CrowdPoint, a company with one ultimate goal and that’s to take back control of your privacy & data.

It means everything to me to be a part of the solution to get our Human Identity, our fundamental right to privacy back. So why not set yourself free because privacy is your human right.

It’s time to take back your power & identity from corporate greed that steals your information and makes a profit from it.

CrowdPoint Technologies is contributing to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and I am a participant in this movement.

If you would like to learn more about what CrowdPoint Technologies is doing for our human identity please click the link below.

I am your Trusted Agent in an untrusted world.  My name is Paudie Callaghan and I am proud to be your host and I am here to support you, 100%.


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