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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

This is it. I am a MicroPreneur!

What is a MicrPreneur? Well, traditional entrepreneurs are committed to the quest for growth. MicroPreneurs know they can be happy even if their companies never appear on a list of top-ranked businesses but are helping others.

After all, if you don't start giving now - you probably won't give then. Take care of people, distribute yourself in an emerging global shift. MicroPreneurs build for others. I want to serve people through education and knowledge and to simplify the complexities of our biography. I want to help as many people as I can extend their lives and avoid critical ailments and Thrive while LIVING.

What is my business? I'm lucky; it is my passion. If you had to summarize what I do - I am a digital shepherd. I provide quality products to help the Human Identity enter into the Blockchain.


It's a great profession; I make money distributing and reselling something I love while safeguarding the most precious asset in all of History: The Human Identity.

When my customers buy from me, I give them an added service; I onboard them onto the Blockchain. In this process, they can authorize their own digital Identity made by them for them.

My customers and I both win. I get to help others learn about Advanced Medicine approaches, and they get a chance to protect their privacy.

I'm not alone; I am building with 1000 of my newest friends.

So if you are reading this blog. Would you like to set yourself free? Your personal onboarding is free with every purchase.


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