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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

So this is it. My first blog.

Never in a million years would I have imagined that I would be doing such a thing but as the world outside goes crazier by every year we all need to take a stand and try to make things right again. It all started when I became a MicroPreneur at CrowdPoint Technologies.

Just a few months ago I did not know what this word meant nor did I imagine talking about artificial intelligence, Blockchain technologies, Big Data, gig economy, etc. But, as the saying goes- it´s never too late to learn new things in life.

What is CrowdPoint Technologies and what is it doing? But let us take a look at what brought it about. We are currently living in a world of Surveillance Capitalism where our online data- which has actual value -is shamelessly stolen by big tech companies and sold as a commodity without us having a say in the matter.

Big corporations not only profit from our data but also monopolize, control and censor it. We are constantly spammed with emails, endless ads on Facebook and the list goes on and on. Data has become the new oil and we are missing the profits we ourselves create.

At the same time, cybercrime is looming and millions if not billions will be falling victims to it. Surely you have heard of people dealing with identity theft and going through a nightmare to take back their lives. In these critical times, small and medium-sized companies are going out of business. It is a race to the bottom and not all will survive. Someone said that democracy is not possible without a strong middle class.


What is happening now is the middle class is shrinking at an alarming rate. So what will save us from this looming catastrophe on so many levels? Here is where CrowdPoint Technologies comes into the picture -at least for me and many-many others who have joined the movement already.

CrowdPoint Technologies is a new online platform for small and medium-sized businesses. It is supported by Blockchain technologies to safeguard and secure our online identities, powered by AI and big data.

OK, but what does it mean? Without going into too much technical detail, CrowdPoint Technologies is decentralizing the power of Wall Street and bringing it back to Main street. We are creating a new ecosystem of abundance, empowerment and freedom for regular people.

So now instead of the rich getting richer and the rest of us poorer we- the MicroPreneurs are able to stay in business and help each other to grow and share our prosperity which helps to take care of our families and serve our communities. CrowdPoint Technologies is the solution. It is big. It is beyond big.

This is the Fourth Industrial Revolution at its beginning. Opportunities come and go in life but this is not the one you want to miss!

I invite you to join us on this journey.


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