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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

Hey Guys! I am super excited to tell everyone that I am the most fortunate man on earth! Why? Because I am a CrowdPoint Platinum Distributor! Why is this such a big deal? Because I was toiling in what seemed to be a hopeless situation that defied reality. Before this opportunity was so graciously offered to me, I was like 70 percent of the population. I knew something was horribly wrong but felt helpless in what options were available for me to create meaningful change or have a voice that carried any weight.

While the world seemed content on living in fear, death, and destructive policies. I was presented with an opportunity that epitomizes courage, life, and the ability to create a concept born from the righteousness of freedom, capitalism, and innovation.

The terms like Big Data Analytics, Compaction Technolgy, Artificial Intelligence, and Distributive Ledger were all foreign to my vocabulary. But, the more I studied these words in-depth, the more I could embrace there was hope for meaningful change, and that spark turned into a flicker, and that flicker turned into a bonfire! That bonfire is now burning deep within my soul. This can best be described as the knowledge that the human spirit coupled with an army of freedom-loving movers and shakers armed with the technological tools of the future can change the collective consciousness of the world. The opportunity I speak of is CrowdPoint! Viva La Revolucion!!


Whether you are aware of it or not, we are all about to embark upon a journey that will revolutionize the way we do business and affect the life of every being on this planet. This opportunity comes along once every one hundred years. This rapidly approaching paradigm change will be sure to touch your progeny in the most profound ways. Let's get our families prepared and situate ourselves in the future - right where the global consumer is destined to arrive.

The Blockchain Ecosystem is a global crowdsource ecosystem that runs on and is protected by the Blockchain. Consumers and producers are introduced to one another utilizing Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics. The A.I. is laser-focused, which greatly enhances the sales conversion rate of the producer. To allow this global ecosystem to function seamlessly, a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency backed by physical silver will be made available by the use of an online wallet. Consumers participating on the platform will be onboarded onto the Blockchain and receive cryptocurrency compensation within their wallets for every purchase they initiate, thus being paid to shop.

The terms A.I., Cryptocurrencies, and Decentralization are not new realizations, but bringing them all together on one platform is truly a visionary "discovery." That vision is CrowdPoint! Do you want to help make the world a better place? Let’s start by being that change and come join me!!

"Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen, and thinking what nobody has thought." Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi


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