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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

I admire successful small business owners and those who are their own boss. This led me to leaving a good job, with a pension, for the unknown; being self-employed.

Unfortunately, my numerous attempts with various businesses met with mediocre results. Even so, I was never going to quit until I found a good fit!

My journey led me to happily becoming an independent distributor for CrowdPoint Technologies, a company I’m helping to build with 1000 other excited individuals. We are Microprenuers! We only promote vetted and unique products from our ever-expanding ecosystem which we are passionate about and believe will provide value to our customers.


 I am extremely health conscious and desire to provide like-minded individuals the best natural products to enhance their health.

What makes us different? When a product is purchased from me I will onboard the customer to the Blockchain at no cost. This free service will allow the customer to authorize their own digital identity, made by and for them. It’s a win-win. I get to help others learn about our Advanced Medicine approaches to better health and my customers will now have the ability to protect their privacy.

Big Tech wants to know everything about you so they can use or sell your information for profit. Would you like to set yourself free from surveillance capitalism? Let us show you the way! Take a look around and please let me know how I can assist.


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