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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

My name is Rick. I am a distributor/reseller with CrowdPoint Technologies. I have become a micropreneur inside CrowdPoint business ecosystem. I am also part of the Advance Medicine Exchange.

I'm sure you have heard of entrepreneurs, but maybe not micropreneurs. Micropreneurs don't invest a ton of money into their operations, hire employees or purchase formal office space. Entrepreneurs typically have to the exact opposite of this. As a micropreneur with CrowdPoint, I will have the opportunity to showcase many products that are beneficial to humanity regarding health and security.


Security is another big reason I joined CrowPoint. When you purchase a product with me via Crowdpoint, your privacy, identity and financial data will be safe using cutting-edge blockchain technology within the CrowdPoints ecosystem.

What CrowdPoint is doing is taking wall street technology and bringing it down to main street. They are making a level playing field for the little guy - the micropreneur. It's time to give Amazon a run for its money!

CrowdPoint is putting an end to neo feudalism and monetarizing people who joint this ecosystem. People typically unwittingly give up their data every day for free. Would you like to do away with the corrupt identity theft that traditionally happens everywhere else but here? Your personal onboarding is free with every purchase.

Take a look around and let me know how I can assist you.


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