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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

Have you ever watched the documentary called Surveillance Capitalism? 

For me, it was a wake-up call. It made me realize how our data is stolen every single day. While companies become richer and richer, we gain absolutely nothing.

I discovered The Blockchain Ecosystem. Once I came upon I could distribute amazing health and wellness products while helping customers protect their identity, I jumped right in. 

Blockchain_Ecosystem_Mobile_CrowdPointLet me explain. When customers purchase a product on our Advanced Medicine Marketplace, their data from that purchase is onboarded onto the Blockchain. Their data is safe with us because it is decentralized within our Ecosystem. Additionally, in exchange for using people’s data to target our Ideal Customer Profiles, we pay them when they purchase a product. Isn’t it a win-win? 

Our team is phenomenal. I am building this new ecosystem with 1000 like-minded people who want to revolutionize the world just as I do. 


Therefore, reclaim your right to privacy and join the power of the Crowd that will make a difference in the world. Here is the link to learn more about my products.


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