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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint


To begin with, I never knew I was going to be a MicroPreneur. I came to CrowdPoint out of a necessity to have a life-changing experience and was willing to do anything to assist in that endeavor.

With that, I have truly learned that "to get something you never had, you must do something you have never done." So here I am, trying to do something I have never done and find it to be intriguing, exciting, and unpredictable all at the same time. It makes me realize we are not aware of what we can do until we try and the only thing between failure and success is procrastination.

I came to Dr. Buttar and the Advanced Medicine Marketplace seeking healing from a supposedly created mystery illness. Now, if I follow through, not only will I will heal, but I will help others heal from the unknown physical, mental, and psychological troubles that we all are going through. So with that in mind, I will go where I have never gone and do what I have never done to attain goals that some think are impossible.

Blockchain_Ecosystem_Mobile_CrowdPointThose who believe that they can't reach deep down inside and pull out that person and shake them and "Say you too can do this. Get up, be somebody the other you is waiting on the other side". What have you got to lose?.

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