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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

Hello, my name is Sobeida!

I am a mother and a MicroPreneur. Yes, you read that correctly. Let me tell you a little bit about how that is possible. As a mother, I am always looking out for the well-being of my family whether it is buying all-natural organic products to protecting their identity. Nowadays not only do we have to ensure that we are taking care of our bodies by naturally nurturing them but also protecting our data and personal identity.

Blockchain_Ecosystem_Mobile_CrowdPointThe story of my MicroPreneurship began once I was aware of my passion for one’s health. But the joy of helping others take care of themselves led me to become a distributor of quality all-natural products in the CrowdPoint Technologies Advanced Medicine Marketplace.

The best part for you, the customer, is that by purchasing on the Blockchain Ecosystem powered by CrowdPoint, your information will be safeguarded through the Blockchain. In other words, at CrowdPoint Technologies, the Blockchain Database protects your most valuable asset, your Identity.

Are you ready to learn more and be part of the Blockchain? Click here!


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