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Why I Joined The Blockchain Ecosystem Powered by CrowdPoint

The key to success is being in the right place at the right time, recognizing you are there, and taking action.” ~Ray Kroc

If I were to ask my old self what I would be pursuing RIGHT at this point in time, I would have never imagined I would be an integral part of a global revolution!

How blessed am I to be in the RIGHT place, with the RIGHT people, doing the RIGHT thing, at exactly the RIGHT time! CrowdPoint Technologies is this RIGHT thing-a trusted agent in an untrusted world, taking back inherent freedoms that have been ripped from us, often unknowingly! The fact that I get to be a part of this movement is beyond exhilarating, and knowing that I am passionately and purposely pursuing exchanges that promote health and privacy freedom!

My name is Tiffany and I am thrilled that at this RIGHT moment in time, you are reading this. Struggling with numerous health complications for many years, I find it difficult to meet the demands as a teacher-a profession I have dedicated myself to for years. Seeking alternative health approaches as potential solutions.


I have come to discover that quality, all-natural products from trusted sources, have truly helped me progress in my journey of regaining health and vitality. Because of the incredible improvements I have experienced, I feel compelled to help others regain or advance their health as well by providing quality products, tools, and services.

CrowdPoint MicroPreneurship allows me to accomplish this goal and has blossomed at a time when I needed work flexibility to overcome the thorns of health limitations. This lifestyle desire promotes a healthy balance between work and private life, with a greater sense of fulfillment. What’s even more exciting is the fact that Blockchain technology allows me to assist others in taking back their freedom bound by the shackles of cyber-surveillance, while concurrently inciting health freedom, right at the comfort of my home!

The RIGHT time to do the RIGHT thing is RIGHT now! It is time to take back our privacy and CrowdPoint is the vehicle upon which we can do this. Blockchain technology is the change the world is waiting for!

Please consider joining me and many others in this life-changing pursuit of the 4th Industrial Revolution...your future self will be so glad you did!

Tiffany VanderVeen 


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